The county’s maintenance department is increasing the cleaning services provided in every county building to help combat the potential spread of the virus. Existing leave policies remain in effect, and appointing authorities may approve the use of comp time, sick leave, vacation, and/or unpaid leave as they deem appropriate. For those employees who can effectively work from home, the county’s Information Technology (IT) has taken steps to allow that to occur. That said, each individual elected office holder has the discretion to alter or limit hours of operation, and staffing levels, as they see fit. Consistent with Governor DeWine’s guidance to date, Pickaway County government offices remain open for business, and essential government services will continue to be provided. The Board of Commissioners is encouraged by the work done thus far and wishes to make the public, and our partners in local government, aware of certain other actions being taken. These entities are meeting daily and coordinating with all relevant authorities at the federal, state, and local level, to ensure that Pickaway County is responding to COVID-19 in a manner which protects the health of our residents while continuing to fulfill our governmental responsibilities. Pickaway County has been preparing for months for the potential spread of COVID-19 and is carrying out previously adopted response plans developed by the Pickaway County General Health (PCGHD), the Pickaway County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), and the Board of Commissioners. Download Status of County Offices Download Covid-19 Planning And Response Statement STATEMENT FROM THE PICKAWAY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGARDING COVID-19 PLANNING AND RESPONSE