It was on behest of the Malkavian prophetess Tryphosa that Camilla called for the war against Carthage and it was with the aid of Alchias, the Malkavian ruler of Syracuse, that the Romans proved to be successful in the end. In Greece and the lands of the Fertile Crescent, many of the early Malkavians prospered as oracles and soothsayers and later, their foresight placed them into the role of viziers and advisors to the ruling Ventrue of Rome.

Many of the early Malkavians posed as city-gods, using their oracular powers to convince the population that they spoke and listened to the gods. Some Malkavians speculate that Malkav literally is Clan Malkavian and that when Gehenna arises, he will devour the clan whole and reconstitute himself. Most Malkavians believe that he is still undead, only now he exists entirely within the Madness Network (or "Cobweb"), the group mind that all Malkavians share. Sometime after the Flood, Malkav was ambushed and murdered by his fellow Antediluvians. Some accounts suggest the three shared the same sire, possibly Enoch. Malkav was particularly close to two other Kindred: Saulot, the founder of the Salubri, and Set, self-appointed god to his followers. Little is known about the clan's early composition, only that their Antediluvian, Malkav, was a seer Embraced by one of the Second Generation. They were also among the founders of the powerful Camarilla, and are widely known as one of its pillars in modern nights.Īs with all the major clans, the Malkavians originated in the pre-Deluge city Enoch. They are one of the 13 original Cainite clans and can trace back their history to times preceding the biblical Deluge. Against all odds, however, the children of Malkav are among the oldest surviving vampiric lineages. They are also notorious pranksters whose "jokes" range from silly to sadistic. Members of the clan have assumed the roles of seers and oracles among Kindred and kine, eerie figures bound by strange compulsions and the ability to perceive what others cannot. Malkavians are an enigmatic and deeply disturbed group of Cainites.